Abs Loud Alarm Keychain

Production Time: 5 Working Days
100 $4.92 each
300 $3.70 each
500 $3.53 each
1000 $2.87 each
3000 $2.85 each
5000 $2.82 each
10000 $2.78 each
30000 $2.73 each
50000 $2.65 each
80000 $2.60 each
The Personal Safety Alarm Keychain combines security and practicality in a sleek, portable design. Featuring a loud 130dB alarm, this device is designed to scare off potential threats and alert nearby help with a single press. Its compact size and keychain attachment make it easy to carry on keys, bags, or belts. Additionally, the integrated LED light adds functionality, perfect for dark environments or emergencies. Suitable for all ages, this alarm is a thoughtful gift for loved ones or a smart addition to your daily routine. Stay prepared with the Personal Safety Alarm Keychain wherever life takes you.

Normal Production Time
5 Working Days

Product Size
Length:2.6:in; Highth:1.8:in;Highth:0.98:in

0.09 lbs

Additional Information
Provides a loud emergency alert. Orders of 1000 pieces or greater are eligible for sea shipping.

Call: 847-912-9535


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