Men's T-shirt Dye Sublimated

Production Time: 14 Working Days
15 $18.28 each
25 $17.97 each
50 $17.22 each
100 $17.07 each
250 $16.52 each
500 $16.00 each
750 $15.07 each
1000 $14.63 each
2000 $14.23 each
5000 $13.48 each
Great for men who work outdoors or participate in recreational activities, these 100% polyester t-shirts with moisture wicking properties will keep them cool and dry all day long! Each shirt can have an all-over, high quality graphic print with an artisan design. Every print can be designed especially for the t-shirt, making for a flawless look. What's more, the premium material guarantees the color of your print will stay intact. Please note, due to sublimation printing, small parts of the fabric might be left white.
12 to 14 business days.
Larger orders may take some time, please contact our sales reps for more information.

Normal Production Time
14 Working Days

Additional Information
100% polyester t-shirt with moisture wicking properties and full color sublimated graphics.

Call: 847-912-9535

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